How long have you been banking online? Personally I began in the nineties and it would be interesting to calculate how much time I've saved by doing all of this online and being able to check balances and move funds without picking up the phone or visiting a branch.
Online banking is pervasive and except for an older demo and a few stragglers it's now the standard for personal banking. Since we're all so familiar with it let's use banking as an analogy for cloud computing. After all, you put your money into a system and trust that your money will be kept separate, don't you? I'd be willing to wager you don't even worry about your funds getting mixed with anyone else's, do you?
The same thing happens in the cloud with your data. A cloud vendor will take your data and load it into what's called a "virtualized server" on a super computer in a secure data center. This can be a super computer owned by the vendor which is how my company is set up or it can be a third party cloud that the vendor essentially resells to their customers. This brings up the question, is it better to work with a direct cloud provider or a reseller. I recommend a direct source and there's reasons for that but that's for a different article on a different day.
So you "deposit" your data into this "data bank" and then access the information about it and manipulate it whenever you want. This "bank" is open twenty-four-seven. You don't even need a PC to access this data though a PC works just fine as a cloud access device. You can access your data anywhere, anytime with any web surfing device.
So now your need for a server in your office is gone. Your need to ever upgrade it again is history. Cloud access devices which have no moving parts and last for about a decade have replaced your troublesome PC's which also never need replacing again. That saves you a lot of money, but is money what it's all about?
Our research with our own client base indicates that money is a motivator going into a cloud network but once it's installed and once a company moves past the transition, the money savings pale in comparison to the upgrade in access, security, backups and the ever-increasing-in-importance disaster recovery system.
And users report and we can confirm that everything just runs better on the cloud as well it should. Your system's in an ideal environment that has power and internet backup in the event of a disaster and with our particular cloud setup your data's backed up not once, but twice, once in the cloud and again to an offsite, undisclosed location.
So I hope this helps alleviate some of the concerns about the cloud by illuminating its many fine qualities. It's the ultimate network upgrade for a small business and provides this most important shift in how you work: A cloud network from the right vendor gets you out of the IT business forever. IT will now be like electricity, you buy but someone else generates it.
So explore the cloud, get your head into the cloud as we say. And take it from me, a person who has cloud clients in four countries and has operated his own cloud for six years, the cloud is something worthy of your trust. You can bank on it

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