affiliate marketing Computers and Technology: سبتمبر 2013

الثلاثاء، 24 سبتمبر 2013

Software Architecture and Design - Goals, Principles and Some Key Considerations

Software Architecture and Design - Goals, Principles and Some Key Considerations

Philippe Kruchten, Grady Booch, Kurt Bittner, and Rich Reitman derived and refined a definition of architecture based on work by Mary Shaw and David Garlan (Shaw and Garlan 1996). Their definition is:
"Software architecture encompasses the set of significant decisions about the organization of a software system including the selection of the structural elements and their interfaces by which the system is composed; behavior as specified in collaboration among those elements; composition of these structural and behavioral elements into larger subsystems; and an architectural style that guides this organization. Software architecture also involves functionality, usability, resilience, performance, reuse, comprehensibility, economic and technology constraints, tradeoffs and aesthetic concerns."
In Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture, Martin Fowler outlines some common recurring themes when explaining architecture. He identifies these themes as:
"The highest-level breakdown of a system into its parts; the decisions that are Hard to change; there are multiple architectures in a system; what is architecturally Significant can change over a system's lifetime; and, in the end, architecture boils Down to whatever the important stuff is."
Software application architecture is the process of defining and coming up with a solution that is well structured and meets all of the technical and operational requirements. The architecture should be able to take into account and improve upon the common quality attributes such as performance, security, and manageability.
The main focus of the Software architecture is how the major elements and components within an application are used by, or interact with, other major elements and components within the application. The selection of data structures and algorithms or the implementation details of individual components are design concerns, they are not an architectural concerns but sometimes Design and Architecture concerns overlap.
Before starting the architecting of any software, there are some basic questions that we should strive to get answers for. They are as follows:
How the users of the system will be interacting with the system?
How will the application be deployed into production and managed?
What are the various non-functional requirements for the application, such as security, performance, concurrency, internationalization, and configuration?
How can the application be designed to be flexible and maintainable over time?
What are the architectural trends that might impact your application now or after it has been deployed?
Goals of Software Architecture
Building the bridge between business requirements and technical requirements is the main goal of any software architecture. The goal of architecture is to identify the requirements that affect the basic structure of the application. Good architecture reduces the business risks associated with building a technical solution while a good design is flexible enough to be able to handle the changes that will occur over time in hardware and software technology, as well as in user scenarios and requirements. An architect must consider the overall effect of design decisions, the inherent tradeoffs between quality attributes (such as performance and security), and the tradeoffs required to address user, system, and business requirements.
Principles of Software Architecture
The basic assumption of any architecture should be the belief that the design will evolve over time and that one cannot know everything one need to know up front. The design will generally need to evolve during the implementation stages of the application as one learn more, and as one tests the design against real world requirements.
Keeping the above statement in mind, let's try to list down some of the Architectural principles:
The system should be built to change instead of building to last.
Model the architecture to analyze and reduce risk.
Use models and visualizations as a communication and collaboration tool.
The key engineering decisions should be identified and acted upon upfront.
Architects should consider using an incremental and iterative approach to refining their architecture. Start with baseline architecture to get the big picture right, and then evolve candidate architectures as one iteratively test and improve one's architecture. Do not try to get it all right the first time-design just as much as you can in order to start testing the design against requirements and assumptions. Iteratively add details to the design over multiple passes to make sure that you get the big decisions right first, and then focus on the details. A common pitfall is to dive into the details too quickly and get the big decisions wrong by making incorrect assumptions, or by failing to evaluate your architecture effectively.
When testing your architecture, consider the following questions:
What were the main assumptions that were made while architecting the system?
What are the requirements both explicit and implicit this architecture is satisfying?
What are the key risks with this architectural approach?
What countermeasures are in place to mitigate key risks?
In what ways is this architecture an improvement over the baseline or the last candidate architecture?
Design Principles
When getting started with Software design, one should keep in mind the proven principles and the principles that adheres to minimizes costs and maintenance requirements, and promotes usability and extensibility. The key principles of any Software Design are:
Separation of concerns: The key factor to be kept in mind is minimization of interaction points between independent feature sets to achieve high cohesion and low coupling.
Single Responsibility principle: Each component or module should be independent in itself and responsible for only a specific feature or functionality.
Principle of Least Knowledge: A component or object should not know about internal details of other components or objects.
Don't repeat yourself (DRY): The intent or implementation of any feature or functionality should be done at only one place. It should never be repeated in some other component or module
Minimize upfront design: This principle is also sometimes known as YAGNI ("You ain't gonna need it"). Design only what is necessary. Especially for agile development, one can avoid big design upfront (BDUF). If the application requirements are unclear, or if there is a possibility of the design evolving over time, one should avoid making a large design effort prematurely.
Design Practices
Keep design patterns consistent within each layer.
Do not duplicate functionality within an application.
Prefer composition to inheritance. If possible, use composition over inheritance when reusing functionality because inheritance increases the dependency between parent and child classes, thereby limiting the reuse of child classes. This also reduces the inheritance hierarchies, which can become very difficult to deal with.
Establish a coding style and naming convention for development.
Maintain system quality using automated QA techniques during development. Use unit testing and other automated Quality Analysis techniques, such as dependency analysis and static code analysis, during development
Not only development, also consider the operation of your application. Determine what metrics and operational data are required by the IT infrastructure to ensure the efficient deployment and operation of your application.
Application Layers: While architecting and designing the system, one needs to carefully consider the various layers into which the application will be divided. There are some key considerations that need to be kept in mind while doing that:
Separate the areas of concern. Break your application into distinct features that overlap in functionality as little as possible. The main benefit of this approach is that a feature or functionality can be optimized independently of other features or functionality
Be explicit about how layers communicate with each other.
Abstraction should be used to implement loose coupling between layers.
Do not mix different types of components in the same logical layer. For example, the UI layer should not contain business processing components, but instead should contain components used to handle user input and process user requests.
Keep the data format consistent within a layer or component.
Components, Modules, and Functions: Key Considerations
In the previous sections we talked about key considerations that need to be kept in mind while architecting or designing an application. We also touched based on what needs to be kept in mind when we are dividing our application into various layers. In this section let's take a look at some key considerations for designing component, modules and Functions.
A component or an object should not rely on internal details of other components or objects.
Never overload the functionality of a component. For example, a UI processing component should not contain data access code or attempt to provide additional functionality.
Explicitly state how the components will communicate with each other. This requires an understanding of the deployment scenarios your application must support. You must determine if all components will run within the same process, or if communication across physical or process boundaries must be supported-perhaps by implementing message-based interfaces.
Keep crosscutting code (such as logging and performance) abstracted from the application business logic as far as possible.
Present a clear contract for components. Components, modules, and functions should define a contract or interface specification that describes their usage and behavior clearly.


Benefit of Using WordPress to Build Your Website

Benefit of Using WordPress to Build Your Website

WordPress is a content management system and blogging tool whose work is based on PHP and MySQL. It is an open source platform and runs on a web hosting service. In fact, now a day's WordPress is the one of the most well known blogging sites used on the internet. This tool can be used for developing user friendly and interactive websites. Hence, numerous bloggers across the world use this tool to develop their blogs. Most of the business purpose and self-employed create his own websites in WordPress because it's free and take very short time to build. So if you are looking forward to build a new website through WordPress then you should look for the best Website Design and Development Company to serve your purpose.
Let's discuss about the advantages of building a website through WordPress:
- WordPress is very easy to use and has an intuitive interface. You can add new pages, blog posts, images etc by yourself. All the pages, blogs, categories and customized with the help of various plug-ins without any difficulty or trouble.
- The WordPress gives you a nice store that will track inventory, transfer payments and get your shipping sorted out.
- Predefined themes are available free of cost and the themes can be easily installed according to the needs.
- Customization is possible through WordPress.
- You can manage your websites from any computer by one admin panel.
- Search Engine Optimization love WordPress sites because the code behind the site is very simple and clean to make it easy for search engine.
- After you complete your WordPress site you don't have to take help from your webmaster because you can easily make those updates yourselves.
- As an administrator of a WordPress site, you can set-up multiple user for the website and assign access levels and capabilities to each other.
There are also many of the advantages in WordPress websites; If you use it then you can feel it.
What will you have to do in order to build a WordPress website?
You have to find the best website design and development company since you want your website to look good and better from your competitors.
Check out their previous works. You must avail the service of experienced web designers and web developers who are familiar working with WordPress.
When you are hiring an expert WordPress developer make sure to avail top services for your WordPress website with a unique content management system and interactive Theme Development. The best website design and development company have the experienced and professional WordPress developers who can build your website with all the latest trends and techniques prevailing in the market in order to give you an added advantage over your competitors.

HTML5 and Mobile Apps Development

HTML5 and Mobile Apps Development

Since decades, Hyper Text Markup Language or generally regarded as HTML has dependably been a standout amongst the most favored, demonstrated and premier advancement stage for web planning, web improvement and in addition for web provision improvement. Software and web development companies around the world always depend on HTML for development and designing of scalable websites and web applications.
Html5 sincerely has a ton of potential for advancement to be made in the web; however one needs to understand the patterns of the markup language before structuring or presenting content with it. At first, it is extremely essential to grasp the idea of Html5 so as to effectively utilize it for portable provision improvement. Html5 includes details of essential modifying dialects like Javascript, HTML, and CSS; providing designers will all of the properties required creating next generation websites & mobile applications. With HTML5 come a richer style, improved markup, enhanced capabilities, and latest JavaScript APIs, assisting in the designing of new apps. Therefore, HTML5 can be referred to as a combination of the features of HTML, JavaScript, & CSS.
However, when we look on another hand mobile technology giant such as for example Apple, Google and Microsoft are usually pushing forward to supply better mobile operating systems. Apple latest iOS 5, Android Ice Cream Sandwich and Microsoft Windows Phone 7.5 (Mango) OS might be the right examples. Present day versatile application engineers have felt the developing request of Html5 as an improvement apparatus. Html5 for sure serves to handle wealthier versatile requisitions that can run over all major OS stages.
Html5 is such an innovation which rapidly comprehended these necessities of the business sector and began giving a widespread application result that can work impeccably on all portable stages with the assistance of Html5 versatile development. It has led to the newest revolution with the necessity of cross platform mobile development. HTML5 is not merely utilized in web and mobile website development, but in addition it powered web application. The front-end of each hybrid application is manufactured using native programming languages like java, Objective C, etc. But the back-end part is purely powered by HTML5 and other web development technologies like JavaScript and CSS.
The amounts of clients utilizing these working frameworks oriented smart phones are increasing day-in and day-out. Again each distinct has his own particular decision of portable OS and stage. This at last influences the stakeholder who is choosing an answer by means of portable application advancement as outlining an application devoted to one stage won't permit him to addition major market share. Choosing an app solution that works on all cellular devices is vital, and at once it proves to be expensive and time consuming.
Now, let us know something about Phone Gap. Phone Gap can be a platform centered on HTML5 which allows mobile application developers create native applications with the help of CSS3, HTML5 and JavaScript. The best thing about Phone Gap is that a developer can put it to use as well as other Frameworks in order to create features which can be constructed with Phone Gap alone. With the passage of time, Phone Gap and Senca Touch have grown to be the most demanded frameworks.
jQuery Mobile can be a net framework. It is touch-advanced and utilized for advanced mobile phones and Tablets. Additionally, it is a single graphical user interface that remains exactly the same on all platforms. Due to its lightweight code, mobile application developers prefer it to other frameworks. Various kinds of themes are available which can be customized easily based on the needs of the designer. jQuery enables you to write a single code so as to produce a customizable website application. This makes things simpler for you to do.


الأربعاء، 11 سبتمبر 2013

A Voyage Towards the Eden of Mobile Application Developmen

A Voyage Towards the Eden of Mobile Application Developmen

In the current, blur of technology and dynamic automation, one who looks back has the most to lose. We are living in an eon filled with rapid transition and digital metamorphosis. Here, to achieve progress and advancement one needs to be constantly conforming to the realms of the Utopia of modern technology. There was a time when people did not even have a slice of digital computing tools available. The first ever business computer LEO (Lyons Electronic Computer) developed in 1950s developed out of sheer necessity to manage outrageously large revenues of Lyons, a UK-based Tea-shop Company. This led to several other developments in the field computing and the world saw the illusionary concept of personal computers become reality. From desktops to laptops, then palm tops and even thump tops, the journey of digital portability has been endless. The software developers gained immense acclamation and regard. However, it seems that the ever-starving epoch of technology has yet newer heights to achieve.
Transition from Desks to Hands
This era is marked with vigorous mobility and transportability. Hand-held gadgets, Smart phones and tablets are the hot-talk of the IT wonderland now. The App developers have subtly replaced the software developing engineers. The various platforms and Operating systems popularly available in the market for these mobile devices have made them the ultimate solution for portable computing. These platforms like Android, iPhone OS, Windows, Mac and BlackBerry have provided a scaffold for now raging, mobile application development. Every single organizing and managing essentials of yours are just a touch-n-tap away from you now.
A Plethora of Apps
These mobile applications have done exactly what the name promises; they have made lives easier by applying and incorporating each of the functionalities manageable out there to your mobile devices in a way that they have become more reachable to you than they were ever before. Nevertheless, every passing day brings new demands and changes to facilitate peoples' lives further and further which definitely calls for more and more Apps. This seemingly insatiable demand for app development has led many to choose it as a dedicated profession and the recent developing market has an excess of available app makers, developers with assortment of mobile applications on miscellaneous affairs. Ranging from, important business apps to social media networking apps and from gaming frenzied apps to entertaining diversions; they are available in market in extensive variety.
Different Types of Mobile Apps
The concept of Mobile Application Development is evolutionary. The design potential is vast and many developmental strategies are involved when developing an app. In a blanket sense, we can say that there are generally two types of mobile application developmental approach. These types may further classify into sub types due to the variant aspects.
Native Mobile Applications
These types of apps are available on e-markets to have them downloaded and installed in the user's mobile device and can run directly from there onwards. There is no need for a data connection for them after the installation. They give added functionality to your already highly functional smart phones and enhance your phone's attributing features like calculators, dictionaries, book readers, calendars and office organizing apps.
A variant of native apps are semi native apps called as Client Server Apps. These apps though installed in the device, still require data connection to further transferring of the data. Hybrid Apps also require internet connection.
Web-Based Mobile Applications
These applications are not installable on your device, the entire access and usage is through the web browser. They are completely independent of the memory size of your phone and of its platform too as they run in the bounds of cyber space. All the data and information of the apps transfer through the browser that should be efficient in performance. Some popular web-based apps include social networking apps like Face book, Twitter, LinkedIn, Gaming Apps, Document Sharing apps and others.
To popularize their platforms, Google Android, Black Berry and Apple they all provide APIs (Application Programming Interface) to third-party developers to contribute to the development of enhanced applications to promote their platforms.

CMS Development - Why Go With Drupal?

CMS Development - Why Go With Drupal?

If you are looking for the CMS development that offers you with the most relevant, cost-effective and comprehensive content management facility, go with Drupal.
The first and foremost reason is it's an Open Source Content Management System. That simply means, it offers a free license for development and saves the heavy initial expenditure and cuts-down overall cost of product.
This does not limit to just providing cost benefit - with its free license, Drupal is a favorite of CMS developers too. Having being practiced by more number of developers it offers clients with choice and also huge benefits in terms of quality and further diminishes its cost.
So the free software package of Drupal lets people get more in terms of development choice. As an obvious reflex action, development companies also take the technology more seriously when it is demanded by more people. They keep themselves regularly updated with the latest and keep their resources tuned with the technology-set and the supportive development environment - further adding to its competence.
Another important facet to this amazing open source CMS is you get to use it in a real-easy manner. Drupal based websites are very light. They download fast and help you switch frames in a swift manner. The content uploaded on a Drupal Website is processed very fast and in an uncluttered manner.
With Drupal's intuitive interface, user can easily publish, manage and organize news, information, images, media files and more without getting troubled by any sort of hang-ups.
User-friendly Drupal, allows you to get exemplary job-benefits. You get to work in a collaborative authoring environment. This means you can share and let people engage with you in your back-end activities interactively. Admin gets the right to dynamically manage the back-end panel. And facilities like peer-to-peer networking, podcasting, forums, community galleries, etc. marks the importance of Drupal.
All these reasons along with its interactive offerings like multiple user weblogs, discussion-based forums, flexible classification system, and amazing customization features can be well interpreted as a futuristic CMS development technology.
Drupal's responsive features help websites to not just serve a particular sort of business but to facilitate operations that are broad and all-encompassing in their approach and can serve businesses with any volume and involvedness of content management needs.
Also, a Drupal-based CMS system can be highly useful for the mobile professionals. They can manage the content while moving from one place to another using Drupal CMS's responsive layout and features. The platform is designed to perfectly suit the present day system needs of present day businesses with distantly located offices and far-placed employees (allowing seamless sharing and inter-operative functions in a highly safe and effective manner).
It's a wise idea to choose Drupal for your dynamic content management needs owing to the cost benefits, functional facilities and all-inclusivity it offers in any given situation - getting a solution developed in a highly flexible and yielding manner.

الاثنين، 9 سبتمبر 2013

How to Increase Your Mac's Speed

How to Increase Your Mac's Speed

As a Mac owner, you may be shocked to experience a slow computer, or poor performance of your Mac, but unfortunately, even Macs aren't 100% invincible. As a MacBook Pro owner, I can tell you how frustrating it is to have such a well-built, reputable machine running slow. I can also tell you why yours could be running less than expected, and how you can optimize its speed.
With Macs, you can experience several issues that clog up your system and cause delays. Some of these include:
• Application Leftovers - even after you uninstall an application, there are oftentimes leftover files attached to that application that needed to be removed separately. A software to identify these unneeded files is necessary to fully clean your system.
• Cache files - Each time you access a file through the internet, your browser caches - or essentially stores it. Clearing all of your browser's cache files will help it run faster. This also goes for temporary files, which store themselves in your computer despite the fact that you probably don't need them. Don't waste disc space!
• Too many applications on your desktop - You may love Apple for its abundance of applications, but having too many application shortcuts on your desktop can slow it down. Each one of these icons that appears on your home screen is actually slowing down your processing speed.
• Not enough disc space - like any computer, you only have so much disc space available. Settings and built-in programs on your Mac are likely contributing to your lack of disc space.
A few steps you can take to fix these issues are:
- Remove applications from your desktop that you don't frequently use. This will help you speed up processing speed. If you can limit it to Safari, and 5-7 other applications, that's ideal.
- Try turning off applications that aren't in use. This will free some RAM space, thus allowing your Mac to run faster.
- Remove temporary files, cache files and trashed items permanently. Get these unnecessary files that take up disc space out of your life!
- Remove unnecessary factory items. You can remove languages that are not used, but are stored in your computer's memory taking up space. Sometimes you need a "detoxing" software to identify these items that came built-in to your Mac.
- Purchase a detoxing software that can point out all unneeded files and clear out your Mac's logs, to gain valuable disc space and faster processing speed.


Windows 8.1 Soon to Be Released When Windows 8 Is Still Making Its Debut

Windows 8.1 Soon to Be Released When Windows 8 Is Still Making Its Debut

I have not even been able to publish my rant on Windows 8 and a new Windows 8.1 is to be released. I do not know about anyone else, but I was not thrilled with Windows 8. Now, a whole new operating system is due out October 17.
Being abreast with the latest technology equates to feeling totally inept half of the time. When determining the right candidate for the technology field, I would recommend forget the degrees and certifications. Look for patience, and that dreaded phrase on a job posting "must have a sense of humor". Or better yet, " OK with feeling like an idiot half the time". In the technology field, there will always be new and better software to learn. You cannot avoid it. It rears its ugly head both in work and play. It is OK; it keeps me humble. Although I need to feel some sort of mastery/competence or I get... well... crabby...
I have always been a Microsoft fan. This past spring, after incredible research and pressure from my techno- son, I took the Mac plunge. I liked it. One day I decided I could use a new PC for some software I needed to run. So I purchased my new PC. Oh goody! A new operating system!! I love learning new technology! I love crossing that fine line of frustration to confidence. How different was it than Windows 7? Well it seems like everything.
First of the entire home screen is different. I went to my familiar left hand corner for the start button. It was not there. My whole life (I am exaggerating- but it seems like my whole life) I would navigate to my left corner. Now I have learned to go to the opposite corner, I think. I continued to find my way through this maze. My excitement quickly turned to dread; my usual quick skills were transformed into fumbling acts of confusion. I had to suffer jokes from my non- technical friends; (The ultimate humiliation). The windows 8 screen is similar to the windows phone screen. Which, by the way, I don't have one, so I don't care. Oh no, I am sounding bitter. What else would this new foreign creature bring me?
TouchScreen options: Windows 8 has an interface that supports touch. This speeds up the process as well as increased navigation along with Windows built-in intelligence. I could do without. Frankly the screen is a stretch from my keyboard and I am lazy. Speed is wonderful in technology. Then again so is laziness. My laziness is why I want speed. Plus, if I calculate the learning curve time, I would say it is a wash. Not to mention, how about if I am munching on some cheese curls? Screen cleaner is expensive these days. I admit these are not solid arguments. Maybe once I know what I am doing I will love it... maybe
Better multiple monitor options: Now we are talking!!! I love to have as many monitors as I can! Too many is not enough! This is a huge plus! Wait, didn't I do this on Windows 7? Yes, but this offers improved features, including the ability to personalize your desktop, support of side-by-side applications and an improved usability of the taskbar.
Windows Charms: They work across different apps and allow you to share files quickly and easily. This is a nice perk. This is how I found the start screen... I think... I would equate it to a lifesaver amongst the hurricane-but then again; I took it!
Search screen: Windows 8 has made a search screen available. (I tried to search for windows 7 but no luck). Feeling like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz (I want to go home, I want windows 7); I was able to search inside any application, even my social apps. This contextual feature is a nice to have!
Windows 8 Arm support: Windows 8 supports devices on ARM architecture. Previously, windows 8 only supported x86-based Intel and AMD PC's. ARM's chip designs are used on more and more devices. This will allow Windows to compete with Android and iPad tablets.
A Windows store: Hmmm... sounds familiar to another store... can we say "not original!". This is a great option and new apps are always being added. Now, in addition to all the apps, I purchase for my Mac and iphone, I have a whole new place of noncompatible apps to purchase. I hope my kids do not notice this. Although as a side note, my techno-savy kids have abandoned the nice new PC with Windows 8. Surely that means something.
Windows 8 cloud integration: Interesting, cloud integration-again sounds familiar. Now you are allowed to sync data to SkyDrive-, in addition to data you can, also save your settings. Again, this is not original, but a much needed feature in order to compete in today's techno world.
Windows 8 has offered us many new features to compete within the marketplace. Is it just me?? Has my frustration of learning new technology finally reached its breaking point? I would not say that. I loved Windows 7. There was nothing wrong with it. Oh sure, it would be nice to have new features. I understand the need to compete, but that does not mean to duplicate. It means to stay original to the users that loved you. I can appreciate the differences between my PC and Mac. Like red and white wine one. I say change all you want, but at least make it better.

الثلاثاء، 3 سبتمبر 2013

5 SharePoint Online Services on Office 365

5 SharePoint Online Services on Office 365

Sharepoint Online is offered by Microsoft as part of the Office 365 productivity suite. It is the cloud hub which can be used by the employees for numerous purposes. Microsoft describes SP Online as a managed collaboration solution which can be used to quickly locate organizational resources, search for experts and corporate information, manage content and workflow and derive business intelligence for appropriate decision-making. We speak of 5 services which will make you reach out for the SharePoint Developer:
#1 Web Apps
SharePoint Online is the hub for accessing the MS Office Web apps. Some of the accessible web apps include Excel Web App, Office 365 Enterprise, onenote Web App, PowerPoint Web App, Word Web App etc. These apps can be used to view and edit documents, presentation, and worksheets on the web by all the users with requisite permissions on the office desktop computers/ laptops or on their mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. This gives employees the freedom to collaborate freely at any time, from anywhere.
#2 Team Sites and My Site
Users can create team sites on the intranet to collaborate with team members for specific projects or even inter-departmental mattes. My Sites can be created for the employee's personal file storage and sharing on the cloud. My Site users are given an additional 500MB storage free as well. Team sites and sub sites can be created for:
• Team or department
• Functional purpose
• Particular content
• Particular project
• Customer
• Permission level or sensitivity (if there is information that needs to be restricted)
Further, the sites can be designed and customized as per the user needs and can be modified easily. The sites are created in a secure environment with a central administrator to exercise control.
#3 Web Content Management
SP Online has a Document Set feature that allows users to create document groups on the basis of certain criteria and then work with the document group as a single entity. For instance, document set may be used to send all the project related documents through a workflow in a batch, simultaneously or view versions for all the documents as a set at any given point of time. SP Online has a comprehensive Library system in which all Document sets can be easily stored and accessed.
#4 Social Features
Sharepoint Online is integrated with Yammer, which is a social networking application on which users can send instant messages, share files and conduct video and voice conferences. Users can also send emails and collaborate over projects in a lighter veined background for faster results.
#5 Cloud Storage Facility
SP Online, as its name suggests is the cloud computing arm of the Office 365. It enables collaboration and communication via a secure cloud server in which, enterprises can also store data. The data can be accessed via desktop as well as internet compatible mobile devices which keeps all the members of the organization in the loop at all times. Microsoft offers 7GB individual cloud storage space for Sharepoint Online users.
SP Online capitalizes on the growing importance of cloud computing and collaboration in a social setup. The greatest advantage is its scalable features which means, as the organization grows, Sharepoint Online capacities can be extended to meet the growing requirements.


How to Make a Backup for Windows 8 With Easy Steps?

How to Make a Backup for Windows 8 With Easy Steps?

Windows 8 was released for general availability on October 26, 2012, and since then, many people have started to upgrade their computer to Windows 8 operating system expecting to have a more satisfactory user experience. And of course, this new OS system performs very well with some significant changes being introduced, but some features are removed from it including DVD playback function and also its main interface looks quite different from its former versions. As a result, many people find Windows 8 is a little difficult to use.
Then if you are one of those who just upgraded to Windows 8, you may need to take some time to get familiar with it. However, due to this unfamiliarity, you may take the risk to crash the system mistakenly. So creating a system backup image for your Windows 8 is a good way for recovering the system when the crash thing unfortunately happens.
Don't know how to do the backup job? Simply follow the step by step tutorial below:
Step 1. On the Start Screen, enter "Windows 7 file recovery" into the search box. Then this option shows under the Settings category. Then simply click it and the Windows 7 File Recovery window will open. Here is another way to open it: go to Control Panel -> All Control Panel Items -> Windows 7 File Recovery.
Step 2. Hit on "Create a system image" option on the left side of the window. Then a new window pops up to ask you where you want to save the backup.
Here you have three choices: save the backup onto a hard disk, DVD or network location.
* Hard disk: You can store the Windows 8 backup image to an external hard drive, USB Flash Drive or another hard drive on your computer. But you should guarantee the storage space is enough for your backup.
* DVD: You should insert a DVD disk into the DVD drive of your computer first and then start backup Windows 8 to DVD disk. This method is quite time-consuming, however.
* Network location: this choice will let you to back up the Windows 8 system image to a remote network share for use in the future.
Step 3. After choosing the location, click Next button. Then you'll be asked which drive you want to be included in the backup. In general condition, the system drives or partitions are already selected by default. If not selected, you can select the check box manually in front of them. Then click Next button to continue.
Step 4. Now the confirmation window pops up, just click on Start backup and the process begins. When it is done, a prompt will show to remind you to create a system repair disk. You can click NO, if you already have created one. Then Windows 8 backup task is finished.
Very easy, isn't it?